Nontobeko Ntombela in collaborative work
The Two Talking Yonis – collaboration with Reshma Chhiba
The Two Talking Yonis, a solo show by Reshma Chhiba ( Constitution Hill, Room Gallery & Kalashnikov, Johannesburg, 8 August 2013) in which she collaborated with curator Nontobeko Ntombela.
Chhiba, R. (2017) The two talking yonis : the use of Hindu iconography in conversations of race, identity, politics and womanhood within contemporary South African art. Nidan : International Journal for Indian Studies, Volume 2 Number 2, pp. 44 – 60
This article looks at the use of Hindu iconography within South African visual art practice and its relation to race, identity, politics and womanhood in the work of Reshma Chhiba. It draws primarily on work from the 2013 exhibition entitled The Two Talking Yonis: Reshma Chhiba in conversation with Nontobeko Ntombela, and discusses Chhiba’s use of the image of the goddess Kali, the concept of yoni, the use of Bharatanatyam and understandings of feminine energy in relation to womanhood. It also threads a narrative of Chhiba’s ancestry through a poetic description of her grandmother’s journey from India to South Africa, and the embodiment of Kali as a form of defiance not only in her work, but also in her grandmother.
BlackMark: Collective Critical Thought (BMCCT)
Black Mark Visual Art Symposium (VAS) eGoli 2017
Opening address of the Black of the Artists/White Labels panel discussion, organised by Black Mark Collective in collaboration with The Point of Order on the 6th of June 2016, in Johannesburg.
Black Mark Visual Art Symposium (VAS) eMonti 2015