Talks and presentations by Nontobeko Ntombela

Black Artists, White Labels, Continued. Aluta continua, Doing it for Daddy, Department of Fine Arts, Rhodes University, 16-17 September 2017
White Exhibitions, Black Artists: Attitudes of the Timeless Tribal. Gendered Making/Unmanned Modernisms Gender and Genre in Indigenous and Colonial Modernisms, Centre for African Arts, Wits University (13 June 2016) and University of Cape Town (17 June 2017). modernism-june2016-capetown/
Facilitator – Curatorial Programme, Asiko International Art School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. July
Visiting Curator, Stroom den Haag, Nederlands. 28 June – 1 July.
Opening address of the Black of the Artists/White Labels panel discussion, organised by Black Mark Collective in collaboration with The Point of Order on the 6th of June 2016, in Johannesburg.
Facilitator – Curatorial Programme, Asiko Art school, Maputo, Mozambique. July
A Fragile Archive. Lucid Lunchbox talk, 27th August 2015, 13-14h, Seminar Room, Art Department, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.
27 August 2015, Department of Fine Arts, Rhodes University, South Africa. Video courtesy of Lucid Lunchbox coordinators.
Convenor: Visual Art Symposium Emonti 2015, Walter Sisulu University, East London South Africa. Non-formal Reading Groups exchange programme between black scholars of Michaelis – School of Arts, Rhodes University – History of Arts, Wits School of Arts and Walter Sisulu. 8 – 11 September 2015.
David Koloane in conversation with Nontobeko Ntombela, Winter School: The Everyday, VANSA, Johannesburg, 10 June 2015
Panel discussion: The Role of Education in Audience Development. Eunice Lab:Convening New Audiences, 27 – 29 May 2015
Curatorial Education, Symposium, California College of the Arts, California, March 2015
Guest Lecture: On Curating, Arts Department, Unisa, 19 February 2015
Trails in the Archive: A feminist reading on the public position of Gladys Mgudlandlu. The Fifth Annual, Feminist Art History Conference. University of America, Washington DC. 30 October – 2 November
African Art, What for? Can’t we just talk about art? Workshop: Blind Spots and Ways of Not Seeing. History of Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa. 16 – 17 October.
Tracing invisible processes in A Fragile Archive and rethinking exhibition practices, 26 September 2014, Lecture Series #10 Centre for Curating the Archive, UCT
Panel discussion: Regarding Women. Momo Gallery Park Town, Johannesburg, 20 August 2014
A Fragile Archive: Recollecting History through Exhibition, The Arts of Human Rights: A Workshop Collaboration between Bard College and the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg), held at WISER, August 5-7
Panel Discussion chair: Positions of Enunciation: presenting, reading and receiving by the Rivers of Birminam exhibition, University of Johannesburg art gallery, 27 July 2014
Off Centre: Beyond the Museum, Contemporary Art in the Public Sphere, Lecture Series, Centre for African Art, University of Witswatersrand, 07 May
Sounds of Change Conference in Addis Ababa, exchange between Wits School of Arts and Alles School of Arts. 27 April – 5 May
Themed Panel Discussion: Hustling scholarship for African urban public cultures. Conference on Cities, Wits Architecture Department, University of Witswatersrand. 27- 29 March 2014
Social Art and the Anti-Social Art Institutions. Conference on “Social Art” KZNSA Durban March 15, 2014
Guest Lecture: Curatorship Explained, Arts Department, Unisa, 19 February 2013
Convenor: Curatorial Talks, Wits School of Arts. Johannesburg South Africa.
Facilitator – Curatorial Intensive Johannesburg, Independent Curators International (ICI), 7-12 March. Curators International website: Programme, Bio,
IKT Lab #3 – African Art, What For? IKT Lab, Paris. 10 December 2013
Convenor: Refiguring Women, Goethe Institute Southern Africa.
Workshop on the publication UnTribe – to present a paper based on use of traditional material in Contemporary art.
A Fragile Archive (presentation), Parking Gallery
Artist, Citizen and State: A lopsided Triangle? In conversation with Joseph Gaylard, Public Art Conference, Johannesburg Art Gallery
Representing the Republic as a Responded with Rike Sitas. Presenters Faith 47 and Ismail Farouk. Public seminar as part of the 2012 Republic; Art, Authority Nationhood, GPCA, Cape Town City Hall.
Shifting Landscapes in the Work of Helen Sebidi. Helen Sebidi Colloquium
Curators Workshop. Tasks of Curatorship ran by Claudia Stemberger. Bag Factory, Johannesburg.
Africa Reflected. Project space of Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam SMBA, 17 September 2009. Online announcement: SMBA
Durban Audiences as Curators. Seminar discussion Joburg Art Fair 2008.
Art as Advocacy. The New Kirkcudbright International Arts Festival, Scotland
Curator’s workshop VANSA 2006, Roben Island, Western Cape South Africa
Art Advocacy in Public Spaces as a Tool to Tackling Social Threats, such as HiV/Aids. IMPACT