Publications and Conference Papers by Yvette Abrahams
Abrahams, Y (2021) Bringing Water to Krotoa’s Gardens: Decolonisation as Direct Action. In D. Lewis & G. Baderoon (Eds.), Surfacing: On Being Black and Feminist in South Africa. Wits University Press. Pp. 274-283.
Available here and here
Abrahams, Yvette (2018) How Must I Explain to the Dolphins?: An Intersectional Approach to Theorizing the Epistemology of Climate Uncertainty. Environmental Ethics. 40(4): 389-404. DOI:10.5840/enviroethics201840436
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2016) “Thank you For Making Me Strong”: Sexuality, Gender and Environmental Spirituality Journal of Theology For Southern Africa June 2016 Special Issue: Sexuality in Africa. 155: 70-87.
Abrahams, Yvette (2014) Knowledge For Power: Rethinking Climate Change, Energy And Gender In South Africa In Women and Climate Change Gender CC – Women For Climate Justice e.v.; pps. 38-42. 6.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2014) Moving Forward To Go Back: Doing Black Feminism In The Time Of Climate Change Agenda: Special Issue on Gender and Climate Change No. 101/28.3, pps. 45-53.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette With Liz MicDaid: Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme: Review 2014 Electricity Governance Initiative SA, Cape Town.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2014) Half Of Nothing Is Still Nothing: Women And Climate Jobs For The One Million Climate Jobs Campaign, Alternative Information and Development Centre, Cape Town.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2012) True Beauty. Agenda. 26(4).
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2012) with Martin, Brenda (ed.) Smart Electricity Planning: FastTracking Our Transition to A Healthy, Modern Affordable Electricity Supply For All EGI SA, Cape Town.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette & Mhlongo, Sibongile & Napo, Vernet (2011) A gendered analysis of water and sanitation services policies and programmes in South Africa: 2006 – 2010. Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity. 25(2): 71-79. DOI:10.1080/10130950.2011.575998
Available here
Abrahams, Y., Omsis, K (2011) “My Tongue Softens On That Other Name”: Poetry, People, and Plants in Sarah Bartmann’s Natural World. In: Gordon-Chipembere, N. (eds) Representation and Black Womanhood. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. DOI:10.1057/9780230339262_3. Pp. 31-46.
Available here
Annecke, Wendy & Abrahams, Yvette & Mohlakoana, Nthabiseng (2010) Left out in the cold while the planet heats up: How can feminists contribute to climate change and energy debates and policy in South Africa today?. Agenda. 24. 36-45.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2008) “STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE PRICE OF BREAD! START A BAKERY!”: COLONIAL PATRIARCHY AS THE CAUSE OF CURRENT HIGH FOOD PRICES. Paper prepared for GETNET: Feminist Consultative Conference on Women and Socially Excluded Groups Bearing the Social Costs of The Economic and Social Crisis. Athlone, 30/31 October, 2008.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2009) Plaiting Three Strands: Gender-Based Violence as a Cause of Global Warming. Paper prepared for DAC/HSRC Colloquium on Social Cohesion, 2009. Durban, 29-30 October, 2009.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2007) “Ambiguity Is My Middle Name: A Research Diary” in Gasa, Nomboniso (ed.) “Besus’ imbokodo; Bawel’imilambo: South African Women in History HSRC Press, Pretoria, pp. 421- 453.
Abrahams, Yvette (2007) The Khoekhoe Free Economy: A Model For The Gift In Vaughan, Genevieve (ed.) Women And The Gift Economy: A Radically Different Worldview Is Possible: pps. 217-221.
Abrahams, Yvette (2005) Gender and Locating Sarah Bartmann in the Present. In Democracy X: Marking the Present, Re-presenting the Past. Series: Imagined South Africa, Volume: 7. Andries Oliphant, Peter Delius & Lalou Meltzer (eds). Pp. 150-161.
Available here
History Of The Western Cape Network On Violence Against Women, WCNVAW, Athlone.
Abrahams, Yvette (2005) ‘Ambiguity is My Middle Name’: Teaching Sarah Bartmann in a Historical Context, in Mabokela, Reitumetse and Zine Magubane (eds.) Hear Our Voices: Race, Gender and the Status of Black South African Women in the Academy UNISA Press, Pretoria and Koninglijke Brill, Leiden.
Abrahams, Yvette (2004) The Life And Times Of Sarah Bartmann: Locating this Biography in the Present in Oliphant, Andries (ed.) Democracy X, Iziko Museums, Cape Town.
Abrahams, Yvette (2004) The Life And Times of Sarah Bartmann: An Educators’ Guide IHR, Bellville The Life And Times of Sarah Bartmann: A Learner’s Handbook Educator’s News, Vol. 8, No. 4; special insert own pagination (1-4). 8
Abrahams, Yvette (2003) Colonialism, dysfunction and disjuncture: Sarah Bartmann’s resistance (remix). Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity. 58: 12-26.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2002) Colonialism, Dysfunction and Dysjuncture: Sarah Bartmann’s Resistance (Remix) in Agenda: African Feminisms Three, 17, No. 58; pps. 12-26.
Abrahams, Yvette (2001) Learning by doing. Notes towards the practice of womanist principles in the ‘new’ South Africa. Agenda. 50: 71-76.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (2001) We’re Here Because We’re Here – Speaking African Womanism in Duncan, Norman and Pumla Gqola et al (eds.) Discourses on Difference, Discourse on Oppression Centre For Advanced Southern African Studies Cape Town; pps. 37-76.
Abrahams, Yvette (2000) WE’RE HERE BECAUSE WE’RE HERE… SPEAKING AFRICAN WOMANISM. Conference presentation for the Discourses on Difference and Oppression Conference. University of Venda, 19-22 July 2000.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (1998) Two Master Narratives and Nowhere to Go: The Semantics of Colouredness in H Wittenberg, G Baderoon and Y Steenkamp (eds) Inter Action: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Postgraduate Conference, Bellville: University of the Western Cape Press, 115-121.
Abrahams, Yvette (1997) The Great Long National Insult: ‘Science’, Sexuality and the Khoisan in the 18th and Early 19th Century. Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity. 13(32): 34-48.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (1997) Images of Sara Bartman: Sexuality, Race and Gender in Early Nineteenth Century Britain; in Pierson, R. Roach (ed) Empire, Colony, Nation: Critical Categories of Race and Gender Analysis Indiana University Press, Indiana; pps. 220-236.
Abrahams, Yvette (1996) Disempowered to Consent: Sara Bartman and Khoisan Slavery in the Nineteenth-Century Cape Colony and Britain. South African Historical Journal. 35. 89-114.
Available here
Abrahams, Yvette (1996) Was Eva Raped ? An Exercise In Speculative History Kronos:Journal Of Cape History, No. 23; pps. 3-21.
Abrahams, Yvette (1995)`Take Me To Your Leaders’: A Critique Of Kraal and Castle Kronos: Journal Of Cape History, No. 22, pps. 21-35.
Abrahams, Yvette (1994) Resistance, pacification and consciousness : a discussion of the historiography of Khoisan resistance from 1972 to 1993 and Khoisan resistance from 1652 to 1853. MA thesis. University of Cape Town.
Available here