Texts by Shelley Barry
Barry, Shelley (2013) Disability and desire: journey of a film-maker – life story. In: Ekine, Sokari (ed.) Queer African Reader. Nairobi, Dakar: Pambazuka Press.
Barry, Shelley (2011) The travelling poet. South Africa: British Council.
Barry, Shelley (2007) dipping inside elephantʼs eye. Presented at the 11th South African Womenʼs Arts Festival (SAWAF) 31 July – 12 August, The Playhouse, Durban.

Barry, Shelley (2006) Why this meeting is important. International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) presentation to the UN Small Arms Review Conference 26 June-7 July 2006. French here [download pdf here or here] Draft report of the meeting here.
Barry, Shelley (2006) Disability and desire: journey of a filmmaker. Feminist Africa 6: Subaltern Sexualities, 65-68.
[download pdf here]
Barry, Shelley (2005) voice/over. Sister Namibia 17:1, 31. [download pdf here]
Barry, Shelley, Deela Khan & Malika Ndlovu (eds.) (2003) Ink@ Boiling Point: A Selection of 21st Century Black Women’s Writing from the Southern Tip of Africa. Cape Town: WEAVE.
Barry, Shelley (2001) Strip. Surrender. Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. African Feminisms One. No. 50, 128-130. [download pdf here]
Barry, Shelley (1999) ICU. In African Women’s Voices.
PDF available here
Barry, Shelly (1998). Changing attitudes: an overview of awareness raising about disability in South Africa. Media Officer, Office on the Status of Disabled Persons, The Presidency, The Republic of South Africa.
Published in 2001 as: Changing attitudes: an overview of awareness raising about disability in South Africa. Disability World 9 [download pdf here].