Poems: Publications and Presentations by Betty Govinden
Prof Daisy Pillay – Inaugural Lecture. 6 poems to accompany the artworks.
2 poems for Profs Daisy Pillay and Marguerite Muller: SAERA 2023 Conference paper. “Reaching Out” and “The Teacher as the Artist”.
Poem Presentation for Neville Alexander. Against Racial Capitalism – Selected Writings by Neville Alexander. Edited by Salim Vally & Enver Motala. 17 October 2023. UKZN Launch. [Zoom].
Poem: CORRUPTED – A study of chronic dysfunction in South African universities. Jonathan D Jansen. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Poem: Letters to my Mother. By Kumi Naidoo. 2022. Jacana Media.
Presentation: Invitation to present Poems at Midlands Literary Festival – September 3-4, 2022. [Co-ordinator: Mr Daryl David] [Did not attend, as it was live and not virtual].
Presentation: Invitation to present Poems at Global Forum, “Sangam and Agora.” Co-ordinated by Prof Vinay Lal, UCLA. July 16, 2022. [Participants include Bongani Kona [UWC/SA], David Garyan [USA/Italy/Armenia] and Henry Theriault [Worcester State University, Mass. US; Editor of The Armenian Weekly.]
Poem. In Memorial Volume [Festschrift] for Dr E S Reddy – Anti-Apartheid Campaigner at the UN. Eds. Jairam Reddy & Selvan Naidoo. 1860 Heritage Centre and Micromega. 2022.
Poem. In Sisters in The Struggle – Women of Indian Origin in South Africa’s Liberation Struggle. Kalpana Hiralal. UNISA Press: Pretoria. 2022.
“In Memoriam” – Poem for Professor Brij Vilash Lal [1952-2021, Fiji] In Indialogs. Vol 9, 2022, pp. 99-101. [University of Barcelona].
“In Memoriam” – Poem for Professor Brij Vilash Lal [1952-2021] In Memorial Collection for Professor Lal, collated by Professor David Dabydeen, University of Warwick, UK. 2022.
Two poems : “Called to Serve”; “Captive for Freedom”. In Ecumenical Encounters with Desmond Tutu: Visions for Justice, Dignity and Peace, pp. 189-191. To commemorate Archbishop Tutu’s 90th Birthday, on 9 October 2021]. Edited by : Nadar, Sarojini, Maluleke, Tinyiko Werner, Kgabe, and Hinz. Co-published by Regnum Books, Oxford, and UWC Press, Cape Town.
Poem “For Lewis Nkosi”. In The Black Psychiatrist – Flying Home: Texts, Perspectives, Homage. Eds. Astrid Starck-Adler & Dag Henrichsen. Basler Afrika Bibliograhien: Namibia. 2021.
“Rest in Peace.” In Sayinkalam – Life Songs and Stories. By Noah Moses Israel. Edited by Dr Connie Israel, 2021, pp. 233.
“Poem for my Grandmother.” In Special Issue : Indian Ocean Imaginaries. 82: 2021, pp. 193-197. Edited by Esther Pujolràs-Noguer & Juan Ignacio Oliva [University of La Laguna, Spain].
Poem.In Children of The Kala Pani – Indian Indentured Routes – 1834-1920. Judgesdan Pather. 2021. Micromega Publications: Durban.
Presentation: Memorial Poem for Professor Kriben Pillay, 11 December 2021, at UKZN Memorial Programme.
Presentation and Poem : For Professor Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie – On Retirement. 2021. Presentations by Professors Kalpana Hiralal [UKZN] and Neilesh Bose [Canada], among others.
Poem on Women. For Women’s Day Commemoration, 21 August, 2021. The 1860 Heritage Centre. Participants included Ashante Ngidi, Fasiha Hassan, Lesley Ann Forster, Pregs Govender, Gcina Mhlophe, Liza Aziz, and Siddharthiya Pillay.
Poem. At Durban Launch of Children of Sugarcane, by Joanne Joseph. At 1860 Heritage Centre, Durban. Other speakers included Prof Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Adv Zandile Qono and Kiru Naidoo. 22nd October, 2021.
Poem presented at Johannesburg Launch of Children of Sugarcane by Joanne Joseph. At Exclusives, Hyde Park. 27 October 2021.
Poems: Composed in Honour of Ronnie Govender. April – May 2021.
Poem for Barbara Boswell. Panel Discussion with Barbara Boswell [chaired by Prof. Rajendra Chetty], Madibaland World Literary Festival, UWC, 2020.
Presentation: Poems for Literary Workshop. “Literary Ecologies of the Indian Ocean. Mauritian and Southern African Intersections.” Co-ordinated by Isabel Hofmeyr. August 16-17, 2019. WISER, at Wits University.
Poem on Song for Sarah. Biography by Jonathan Jansen, with Naomi Jansen. 2017.
Poem on Making Love in a War Zone. Research Publication by Jonathan Jansen. 2017.
Poem presentation [from Return to My Native Land, by Aime Cesaire]. University Teaching and Learning Office [UTLO] – SPIVAK SEMINAR, UKZN, Durban, 7th August 2017.
Poem for Launch : AGENDA – Empowering Women for Gender Equity, No 99/28.1, 2014, Special Issue, Autobiographies, Biographies and Writing Lives. Co-Editor with Prof Nyna Amin. Introduction, pp. 3-6.
Poem – To Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Arrival of Indian Indentured labourers in SA. English Academy Review. 2011.
Two poems in Womandla! Women power! A Vibrant Collection of Women’s writing.[Foreword, pp.6-8] Edited by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Puleng Nomvula Ndlovu, Farah Sayed, Aisha Poetrix Mponda, Tasneem Rawat Ally, Nazeera Vawda. Affiliated to CFAD publication.Poem – For Phyllis Naidoo, pp.199-201.Poem – for Valliamma, pp.201-203.