Art on our Mind is a NRF Thutuka funded research project that focuses on South African women-of-colour creatives, initated by Dr Sharlene Khan, visual artist and Associate Professor at the Visual Arts department at the Wits School of Arts. The research team is made up of under- and postgraduate student volunteers from the art department.
OUR OBJECTIVE is to generate a public archive of primary information on South African women-of-colour creatives by staging creative dialogues and panel discussions.
INVITED GUESTS are presented with questions designed to excavate new insights into their creative process and professional practice.
OUR TEAM gathers information through research of documentation and existing resources.
Art on our Mind aims to elevate the status and stature of South African women-of-colour creatives, and through them, inspire a new generation.
CONTACT US @ artonourmind@gmail.com

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
ARCHIVED SOURCE MATERIALS are supplied by the artist, or presented in excerpts. The copyright of all material which is stored on this website remains with the original copyright holders. Due to potential copyright issues, full-text copies are not made available in our database unless featured creatives are authors who hold copyright, they were published in open access journals, or explicitly allowed by publishers. However, the bibliographic information provided would allow researchers to find the full-texts in online databases and libraries. Where possible, we provide links to materials which are made available online elsewhere (e.g. issuu, Google Books, and so on).