OVERVIEW: Nontobeko Ntombela

Sharlene Khan in Creative Dialogue with Nontobeko Ntombela.
Sharlene Khan in Creative Dialogue with Nontobeko Ntombela.

Art on our Mind interviews, research, links and reference material on South African fine arts curator Nontobeko Ntombela compiled in 2017.

Art on our Mind CREATIVE DIALOGUE with Nontobeko Ntombela

Sharlene Khan in discussion with Nontobeko Ntombela on her career as a fine arts curator in front of an audience at the Rhodes University Fine Arts Department in Grahamstown, South Africa.

Media files:

Art on our Mind PRE-TALK with Nontobeko Ntombela

The Art on our Mind team in discussion with Nontobeko Ntombela on her career as a fine arts curator at the Rhodes University Fine Arts Department in Grahamstown, South Africa.

Media files:

TALKS: Previous talks by Nontobeko Ntombela.



CAREER: Documentation of Nontobeko Ntombela’s career from 2010 to 2017 for research purposes. Includes catalogues, articles, book chapters and essays.


Works: created and provided by the artist/creative (digitally or scanned original) or found online (detailed referencing of source and photographer): video / photo / audio / text / etc.

MA Thesis

Ntombela, N.M. (2014) A Fragile Archive: Refiguring | Rethinking Reimagining | Re-presenting Gladys Mgudlandlu. Wits MA Thesis, available at: http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/13730

Exhibition Catalogues

Ntombela, N.M. (2015) Spectaculaire: XXVIIe Ateliers Internationaux du Frac des Pays de la Loire – L’Afrique du Sud. Carquefou: FRAC. Exhibition Catalogue.

Maart,B. and Young, E. (eds.) (2010) MTN New Contemporaries. Exhibition catalogue. Durban: Kwa-Zulu Natal Society of Art.


Journal Articles

Ntombela, N.M. (2013) Silent Toyi-Toyis in the work of Donna Kukama and Reshma Chhiba. n. paradoxa.vol 31. pp. 23- 32.

Book chapters

Ntombela, N.M. (2017) Practitioning. A Few Notes on Curatorial Training in Africa. In: Silva, Bisi and Stephanie Baptist (2017) ÀSÌKÒ: On the future of artistic and curatorial pedagogies in Africa. Lagos: Centre for Contemporary Art, pp. 167-180.

Ntombela, N.M.,Kristina Lee Podesva, Mark Beasley, Mami Kataoka (2016) Louder Than the Frame. In: Markopoulos, Leigh (ed.) Great Expectations: Prospects for the Future of Curatorial Education. London: Koenig Books, California College of the Arts and the Banff International Curatorial Institute. pp. 32-47.

Ntombela, N.M. (2016) Shifting Contexts: Contemporary South African Art in Changing Times. In: Liebhammer N. and Hamilton C. (eds.) Tribing and Untribing the Archive. Scottsville: University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Press. pp. 86 – 115.

Ntombela, N.M. (2016) On Being Taught. In: Whitfield, Ashley (ed.) Winter School: 2015 The Everyday Workbook. Johannesburg: Visual Arts Network of South Africa (VANSA). pp. 41-42.

Ntombela, N.M. (2016) Remastered. Exhibitionist La Critique. Issue 12, June 2016. pp. 56-57.

Ntombela, N.M. (2015) Curatorial as Education. In: Murinik T. (ed)Constructure: 100 Years of the JAG Building and its Evolution of Space and Meaning.Johannesburg: Johannesburg Art Gallery. pp.130-143. https://issuu.com/designinformation/docs/constructure_-_100_years_of_the_jag

Ntombela, N.M. (2014) SPECTACULAIRE: A Moment in Time and a Time that Remains. In: Spectaculaire. Carquefou: FRAC. Exhibition Catologue. pp. 12-28.

Ntombela, N.M. (2014) In Dialogue. In: Nkosi and Sunstrum (eds.) Compendium. Johannesburg: iThuba Art Gallery. pp. 40-44.

Ntombela, N.M. (2014) Murray Kruger in Conversation with Nontobeko Ntombela. In: Laurence, M. (ed). [Working Title]. Johannesburg: Goodman Gallery. pp. 50-53.

Ntombela, N.M. (2014) Benezit Dictionary of Artists, A short biography on Gladys Mgudlandlu. http://www.oxfordartonline.com/public/book/oao_benz
doi: 10.1093/benz/9780199773787.article.B2278412

Ntombela, N.M. (2013)Ke Lefa Laka. In: Khan, S (ed). Lebohang Kganye: Ke Lefa Laka. Johannesburg: Market Photo Workshop and Tierney Foundation. pp. 15-16.

Ntombela, N.M.(2012) A Journey Worth Contemplating. In: Mbongeni Buthelezi. Art catalogue, Sibisi Gallery, Johannesburg.

Ntombela, N.M.(2012) Curating Performance. In: Stemberger, C. Alterating Conditions: Performing Performance Art in South Africa. Johannesburg: Bag Factory Art Studios. pp. 78-79.

Ntombela, N.M.(2011) Modern South African Artists. In: Ntombela, N. and Neluheni, M. (eds.) Jagged. Museum education supplement. Johannesburg: Johannesburg Art Gallery. pp. 16-18.

Ntombela, N.M. (2011) Contextualising Makamo. In: Malatjie, P. City Scapes. Johannesburg: Museum Africa

Ntombela, N.M. (2011) Inserting the Self: My Heritage – My Identity. In: Xakaza, M. Who Am I? Ngingubani?Durban: Durban Art Gallery. pp. 36-49.

Ntombela, N.M. (2002) A review on Jane Alexander at the Tatham Art Gallery. Natal Witness Weekly, May 2002.


Curated exhibitions


Spectaculaire, Frac Des Pays La Loire, Carquefuo, France
(MadeYouLook, Donna Kukama, Thenjiwe Nkosi, Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum). 16 November 2013 – 19 January 2014.


The Two Talking Yonis, a solo show by Reshma Chhiba,
Constituion Hill, Room Gallery & Kalashnikov, Johannesburg, 8 August 2013


Trade Rerouted, a performance intervention by Donna Kukama and Anthea Moys, Joburg Art Fringe and Art Fair.

A Fragile Archive, Johannesburg Art Gallery
(featuring works of modern black women South African artists: Gladys Mgudlandlu, Bonnie Ntshalintshali, Allina Khumalo, Eliza Xaba, Noria Mabasa and Helen Sebidi)

Made in Africa: Towards Cultural Liberation, co-curated with Andile Magengelele, Sandton Art Gallery. (featuring works of artists working and living is SADC regions).


MaNyauza(Mbongeni Buthelezi’s Mid career retrospective), JAG
Looking as Learning, (selected works from the JAG collection) co-curated with Musha Neluheni, JAG

Ugqozi Lwe’ntambende (a group show of artists from KwaZulu Natal North Coast Region), JAG


MTN New Contemporaries Arts Award, KZNSA Durban, 14 September – October 2010 (Donna Kukama, Kemang waLehulere, Mohau Modisakeng & Stuart Bird)

WITS School of Arts, Martinsen Prize 2010, Museum Africa (co-curated with Khwezi Gule, Gabi Ngcobo), Johannesburg,

Layers, a collaboration between Yvette Dunn and Nothando Mkhize, Goodman project space Arts on Main, Johannesburg


Modern Fabrics, BAG Factory Johannesburg, 22 September 2008.
(Mlu Zondi, Mary Sibande, Nothando Mkhize, Dineo Bopape, Thando Mama, Rike Sitas & Zama Dunywa)


Durban Odyssey, a solo show by Alex Flett, at DUT Art Gallery

Toward the Democrasitation of Art. DUT Art Gallery as part of the Beyond Boarders conference hosted by the Durban University of Technology Inqolobane (a collection of the DUT Art Gallery), Durban

From Here to There, AVA (Association of Visual Arts) Cape Town, March 2007, Co- curating with Storm Janse van Rensburg (select works from artists living and working in Durban)


Emma Smith Art Award Scholarship and Exhibition (annual), A Faculty of Arts competition administered by the DUT Art Gallery


Igalelo Lika Trevor Makhoba, BAT Centre, Durban


Women’s Day exhibition BAT Centre, Durban (annual)



The Two Talking Yonis – collaboration with Reshma Chhiba

Chhiba, R. (2017) The two talking yonis : the use of Hindu iconography in conversations of race, identity, politics and womanhood within contemporary South African art. Nidan : International Journal for Indian Studies, Volume 2 Number 2, pp. 44 – 60
This article looks at the use of Hindu iconography within South African visual art practice and its relation to race, identity, politics and womanhood in the work of Reshma Chhiba. It draws primarily on work from the 2013 exhibition entitled The Two Talking Yonis: Reshma Chhiba in conversation with Nontobeko Ntombela, and discusses Chhiba’s use of the image of the goddess Kali, the concept of yoni, the use of Bharatanatyam and understandings of feminine energy in relation to womanhood. It also threads a narrative of Chhiba’s ancestry through a poetic description of her grandmother’s journey from India to South Africa, and the embodiment of Kali as a form of defiance not only in her work, but also in her grandmother.


BlackMark: Collective Critical Thought (BMCCT) 

Nontobeko Ntombela

 Black Mark Visual Art Symposium (VAS) eGoli 2017

VAS eGoli 2017


Black Mark Visual Art Symposium (VAS) eMonti 2015





Thursday, 10 September 2015


VAS 2015 Report

Images – VAS eMonti 2015


Talks/lectures with photo/text/audio/video documentation – including the slide show/presentation / also for Art on our Mind


Black Artists, White Labels, Continued. Aluta continua, Doing it for Daddy, Department of Fine Arts, Rhodes University, 16-17 September 2017

White Exhibitions, Black Artists: Attitudes of the Timeless Tribal. Gendered Making/Unmanned Modernisms Gender and Genre in Indigenous and Colonial Modernisms, Centre for African Arts, Wits University (13 June 2016) and University of Cape Town (17 June 2017). http://multiplemodernisms.maa.cam.ac.uk/crafting- modernism-june2016-capetown/


Facilitator – Curatorial Programme, Asiko International Art School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. July

Visiting Curator, Stroom den Haag, Nederlands. 28 June – 1 July.


Facilitator – curatorial programme, Asiko Art school, Maputo, Mozambique. July

A Fragile Archive. Lucid Lunchbox talk, 27th August 2015, 13-14h, Seminar Room, Art Department, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.

 Convenor: Visual Art Symposium Emonti 2015, Walter Sisulu University, East London South Africa. Non-formal Reading Groups exchange programme between black scholars of Michaelis – School of Arts, Rhodes University – History of Arts, Wits School of Arts and Walter Sisulu. 8 – 11 September 2015.

David Koloane in conversation with Nontobeko Ntombela, Winter School: The Everyday, VANSA, Johannesburg, 10 June 2015

Panel discussion: The Role of Education in Audience Development. Eunice Lab:Convening New Audiences, 27 – 29 May 2015

Curatorial Education, Symposium, California College of the Arts, California, March 2015

Guest Lecture: On Curating, Arts Department, Unisa, 19 February 2015


Trails in the Archive: A feminist reading on the public position of Gladys Mgudlandlu. The Fifth Annual, Feminist Art History Conference. University of America, Washington DC. 30 October – 2 November

African Art, What for? Can’t we just talk about art? Workshop: Blind Spots and Ways of Not Seeing. History of Art Department, Rhodes University, South Africa. 16 – 17 October.

 Tracing invisible processes in A Fragile Archive and rethinking exhibition practices, 26 September 2014, Lecture Series #10 Centre for Curating the Archive, UCT

Panel discussion: Regarding Women. Momo Gallery Park Town, Johannesburg, 20 August 2014

A Fragile Archive: Recollecting History through Exhibition, The Arts of Human Rights: A Workshop Collaboration between Bard College and the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg), held at WISER, August 5-7

Panel Discussion chair: Positions of Enunciation: presenting, reading and receiving by the Rivers of Birminam exhibition, University of Johannesburg art gallery, 27 July 2014

Off Centre: Beyond the Museum, Contemporary Art in the Public Sphere, Lecture Series, Centre for African Art, University of Witswatersrand, 07 May

Sounds of Change Conference in Addis Ababa, exchange between Wits School of Arts and Alles School of Arts. 27 April – 5 May

Themed Panel Discussion: Hustling scholarship for African urban public cultures. Conference on Cities, Wits Architecture Department, University of Witswatersrand. 27- 29 March 2014

Social Art and the Anti-Social Art Institutions. Conference on “Social Art” KZNSA Durban March 15, 2014


Guest Lecture: Curatorship Explained, Arts Department, Unisa, 19 February 2013

Convenor: Curatorial Talks, Wits School of Arts. Johannesburg South Africa.

Curatorial Intensive Johannesburg, Independent Curators International (ICI), 7-12 March

IKT Lab #3 – African Art, What For? IKT Lab, Paris. 10 December 2013


Convenor: Refiguring Women, Goethe Institute Southern Africa.

Workshop on the publication UnTribe – to present a paper based on use of traditional material in Contemporary art.

A Fragile Archive (presentation), Parking Gallery


Artist, Citizen and State: A lopsided Triangle? In conversation with Joseph Gaylard, Public Art Conference, Johannesburg Art Gallery

Representing the Republic as a Responded with Rike Sitas. Presenters Faith 47 and Ismail Farouk. Public seminar as part of the 2012 Republic; Art, Authority Nationhood, GPCA, Cape Town City Hall.


Shifting Landscapes in the Work of Helen Sebidi. Helen Sebidi Colloquium

Curators Workshop. Tasks of Curatorship ran by Claudia Stemberger:


Durban Audiences as Curators. Seminar discussion Joburg Art Fair 2008.

Art as Advocacy. The New Kirkcudbright International Arts Festival, Scotland


Curator’s workshop VANSA 2006, Roben Island, Western Cape South Africa


Art Advocacy in Public Spaces as a Tool to Tackling Social Threats, such as HiV/Aids. IMPACT


Secondary sources reviewing/presenting creative and their work (authored by someone else) and participation (talks/conferences/exhibitions) 

Book chapters/exhibition catalogue entries, books/catalogues published about the creative’s work (monographs/solo and group exhibitions)

Interviews and feature articles published online or print

Jayawardane, M Neelika (2018) ‘From No Fixed Place’, a space appears. Mail & Guardian16 February 2018

Bambalele, Patience (2012) A new take on history. Sowetan Live30 January 2012

Sassen, Robyn (2012) The studious observer: Nontobeko Ntombela. Mail & Guardian23 March 2012.

Warren, Tamara (2012) Nontobeko Ntombela and The Art of Curating. Life and Times


Reviews, articles/texts written about group/solo exhibitions/performances or events the artist participated in or work was shown, published in print or online (including reviews, etc) 


Fragile Archive

May, Jackie (2012) A Fragile Archive. The Times3 February 2012

Spectaculaire, Frac Des Pays La Loire, Carquefuo, France
(MadeYouLook, Donna Kukama, Thenjiwe Nkosi, Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum). 16 November 2013 – 19 January 2014.

Exposition “Spectaculaire” au Frac des Pays de la Loire (2013). Site du Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire: Exposition “Spectaculaire” au Frac des Pays de la Loire. http://www.paysdelaloire.fr/culture/actualites/detail-de-lactu/n/exposition-spectaculaire-au-frac-des-pays-de-la-loire/




The Two Talking Yonis, a solo show by Reshma Chhiba,
Constituion Hill, Room Gallery & Kalashnikov, Johannesburg, 8 August 2013


Trade Rerouted, a performance intevention by Donna Kukama and Anthea Moys, Joburg Art Fringe and Art Fair.

A Fragile Archive, Johannesburg Art Gallery
(featuring works of modern black women South African artists: Gladys Mgudlandlu, Bonnie Ntshalintshali, Allina Khumalo, Eliza Xaba, Noria Mabasa and Helen Sebidi)

Made in Africa: Towards Cultural Liberation, co-curated with Andile Magengelele, Sandton Art Gallery. (featuring works of artists working and living is SADC regions).


MaNyauza(Mbongeni Buthelezi’s Mid career retrospective), JAG

Looking as Learning, (selected works from the JAG collection) co-curated with Musha Neluheni, JAG

Ugqozi Lwe’ntambende (a group show of artists from KwaZulu Natal North Coast Region), JAG


MTN New Contemporaries Arts Award, KZNSA Durban, 14 September – October 2010  (Donna Kukama, Kemang waLehulere, Mohau Modisakeng & Stuart Bird)

WITS School of Arts, Martinsen Prize 2010, Museum Africa (co-curated with Khwezi Gule, Gabi Ngcobo), Johannesburg,

Layers, a collaboration between Yvette Dunn and Nothando Mkhize, Goodman project space Arts on Main, Johannesburg


Modern Fabrics, BAG Factory Johannesburg, 22 September 2008.
(Mlu Zondi, Mary Sibande, Nothando Mkhize, Dineo Bopape, Thando Mama, Rike Sitas & Zama Dunywa)


Durban Odyssey, a solo show by Alex Flett, at DUT Art Gallery

Toward the Democrasitation of Art. DUT Art Gallery as part of the Beyond Boarders Conference at hosted by the Durban University of Technology

Inqolobane(a collection of the DUT Art Gallery), Durban

From Here to There, AVA (Association of Visual Arts) Cape Town, March 2007, Co- curating with Storm Janse van Rensburg (select works from artists living and working in Durban)


Emma Smith Art Award Scholarship and Exhibition (annual), A Faculty of Arts competition administered by the DUT Art Gallery


Igalelo Lika Trevor Makhoba, BAT Centre, Durban


Women’s Day exhibition BAT Centre, Durban (annual)




XXVII Ataliers Internationaux FRAC Des Pays De La Loire in France as part of the South Africa – France Season 2012-13. 16 September – 17 November 2013.


Drill Hall, Joubert Park Project, Johannesburg, 4 March – 4 April 2008.


German South African Bilateral Curatorial Exchange: Collaboration between the Department of Arts, Culture, and Tourism in partnership with the German Foreign Affairs Department. (Oct – Nov 2007), Germany

The New Kirkcudbright International Arts Festival, Scotland (July 2007)


The New Kirkcudbright International Arts Festival, Scotland (23 July – 1 Sept 2004)


Internship/residency: Innovation Centre; USA University of Connecticut & Rutgers University New Jersey, coordinated by Caversham Press, Howick, KZN (October 2003)


Artist’s in Residence: ‘Break the Silence’, at the University of Dundee, Gracefield Art Centre – along with conducting workshops in four local Schools in the Dumfries and Galloway region (Oct 2002 – Feb 2003)