WORKS: Sharlene Khan – Artworks

Selected artworks by Sharlene Khan


When the moon wanes

When the moon wanes (2022)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 24:01 mins
Video dialogue: text by Sharlene Khan in conversation with texts by Toni Morrison (The Bluest EyeParadise), Ama Ata Aidoo (Our Sister Killjoy), Nawal el Sadaawi (She has no Place in Paradise), Tsitsi Dangarembga (Nervous Conditions), Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities), Roland Barthes (A Lover’s Discourse), Khalil Gibran (The Broken Wings), Frantz Fanon (Black Skin, White Masks).

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Post-Apartheid Guernica

Post-Apartheid Guernica (2021)
Three channel digital video projection with sound
Animation: Sharlene Khan, Mokgabudi Amos Letsoalo, Nono Motlhoki, Katty Vandenberghe
Running time: 10:45mins

For more, click here


I Make Art

I Make Art (2020)
Digital video projection on wall; 20 digital videos played on TVs; 10m x 1,6m painting; 10m x 1.6m wall mural
3-D Rendering and Videographics: Katty Vandenberghe

I Make Art – A Declarative Statement (2020)

For more, click here


When the moon waxes

When the moon waxes IV (2016)
Colour digital video projection with sound
Running time: 30.01 mins

For more, click here


Nervous Conditions

Nervous Conditions I (2015)
Three channel black-and-white digital projection with sound
Running Time: 30:07 mins
Nervous Conditions II (2017)
Black-and-white digital projection with sound
Running Time: 26:54 mins
Nervous Conditions III (2015)
Black-and-white digital projection with sound
Running Time: 00:31 mins
On Being the Problem (2017)
Colour video with sound
Running time: 01:51 mins
Based on the work of Sara Ahmed

For more, click here


The Bluest Eye (aka No Place)

No Place (2011-)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 22:54mins
Sharlene Khan Reads the iPAD (2012)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 02:31mins
Restaging based on the work: Martha Rosler Reads Vogue

For more, click here



Noire et Noire (2011)
Black-and-white video with sound
Running Time: 1:02mins
Le Dejeuner (2012)
Colour video with sound
Running Time: 1:02mins
Walking in an Exaggerated Manner on the Periphery of a Triangle in Front of an Abstract-Expressionist Work (2012)
Colour video with sound
Running Time: 1:02mins

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What I look like, What I feel like

The Hole (2011-)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 02:31mins
The Hole (2011-)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 02:31mins

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“Previously Disadvantaged”

Edward (2008)
Mixed media on canvas

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