Projects and Research run by Lallitha Jawahirilal
1998 Research proposal
Puddled Sand and Red Ashes: A photographic documentary of the Kumbh Mela
Supervisor: Vedant Nanackachand, Department of Fine Art & History of Art, UDW
[download project outline here]
1997 Research survey
The role of public art in a post-apartheid society with special reference to the Greater Ladysmith area 1997-1998
Field workers: Lallitha Jawahirilal, Vukile Ntuli (Lecturers in Painting, UDW)
Supervisor: Vedant Nanackachand, Department of Fine Art & History of Art, UDW
Research Assistant: Tracey Andrew
[download questionnaire results here]
[download Aloe Park Primary Mural Project letters here]
[download Aloe Park Primary photo documentation here]
[download Ladysmith Provincial Hospital Mural Project letters here]
1995 Research project
The role of public art in a post-apartheid society with special reference to the Greater Ladysmith area 1995-1996 (coordinated together with Mr Vukile Ntuli, Lecturer in Painting)
Vedant Nanackachand, Department of Fine Art & History of Art, UDW
Students and artists from UDW and the greater Durban and Ladysmith Area
[download project outline here]
On the Wall of Reconciliation in Ladysmith (painted in 1995 by students from the Fine Arts Department at the University of Durban-Westvilleunder the co-ordination of Lallitha Jawahirilal) the rainbow motif dissolves and disintegrates into a layered wavy pattern that, in a sweeping motion, formally links separate panels and provides a useful compositional structure for dividing up the wall into separate emblematic units. With its expanding and contracting motions it appears alive and throbbing, thus off-setting some of the more rigid images. Its further appeal lies in the ambiguity of its meaning. In some sections the parallel stripes of primary colour, partly flowing out of a flag, prompt a reading as a rainbow, while in other sections the “rainbow” dissolves and integrates with the features of the landscape.
In: Marschall, S (2001) The Poetics of Politics, Safundi, 2:2, p. 9
doi: 10.1080/17533170100102201