Art catalogues, books, and journal articles featuring works by Senzeni Marasela
Art catalogues and books
Khan, Sharlene (2021) ‘Thinking Through Black Feminist Creative Theorisation through the Postcolonial Masquerades of South African Visual Artists Mary Sibande and Senzeni Marasela’, in Marco, D. and Willoughby-Herard, T. (eds.) (Still Here): Studies of Culture in South Africa’s Twenty-Five years since 1994, London: Africa World Press. [download here]
Clarke, Christa (2017) Art, Identity, and Autobiography. Senzeni Marasela and Lalla Essaydi. In: Hodgson, D. and Byfield, J. (2017) Global Africa. Into the Twenty-First Century. Oakland: University of California Press, pp. 221-236. [download here]
Representations of Otherness and Resistance (2015) Exhibition catalogue. Bloemfontein: Johannes Stegmann Gallery, University of the Free State, 20 May – 19 June 2015.
Available on issuu
Crawshay-Hall, J. (2013) Trans-Africa. Africa curating Africa. Johannesburg: Absa Art Gallery.
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Hecker, J. (2011) Impressions from South Africa 1965 to Now. Prints from the Museum of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art.
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Gordon-Chipembere, N. (2011). Under Cuvier’s Microscope: The Dissection of Michelle Obama in the Twenty-First Century. In: Gordon-Chipembere, N. (ed.) Representation and Black Womanhood. The Legacy of Sarah Baartman. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 165-180.
Richards, Colin (2008) Aftermath: Value and Violence in Contemporary South African Art. In: Smith, T., Enwezor, O., Condee, N. (eds) Antinomies of Art and Culture. Durham: Duke University Press.
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Unbounded: New Art for a New Century. Newark: Newark Museum, Newark, 2009.
Grantham, T. (2009) DARKROOM: South African Photography and New Media 1950-Present. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Art.
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Williamson, Sue (2009) South African Art Now. New York: Harper Collins, pp. 114-115.
Thompson, B. (ed.) (2008) Black Womanhood. Images, icons, and ideologies of the African body. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College.
[download here]
Bedford, E. (ed.) (2004) TREMOR, contemporary South African art. Brussels & Cape Town, Catalogue of the exhibition, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi, Belgium, 2004.
Perryer, S. (ed.) (2004) 10 Years 100 Artists. Art in a democratic South Africa. Cape Town: Bell-Roberts, pp. 230-233.
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Kaufman, K. and Martin, M. (eds.) (2003) AidsArt / South Africa. Cape Town: Iziko South African National Gallery.
Coombes, A. (2003), History After Apartheid. Visual Culture and Public Memory in a Democratic South Africa. Durham: Duke University Press
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Bedford, E. (ed) (2001) Fresh: Senzeni Marasela. Cape Town: Iziko South African National Gallery.
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Firstenberg, L.; Peffer, J. (eds.) (2000) Translation/Seduction/ Displacement: Post-Conceptual and photographic Work by Artists from South Africa. Exh. cat. Maine: Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art.
Lundström, J. and K. Pierre (eds.) (1998) Demokratins Bilder: Botografi och Bildkonst Efter Apartheid = Democracy’s Images: Photography and Visual Art after Apartheid, Catalogue produced for the traveling exhibition DEMOCRACY’S IMAGES: Photography and Visual Art at the End of Apartheidwhich opened at Bildmuseet, Sweden and ran from 6 September – 8 November 1998 (pp. 118-123). Umeå: Bildmuseet.
[download here]
Articles in journals featuring works by Senzeni Marasela
Iyioha, I. (2017) Witness. Transition, 123, pp. 118-131
[download here]
Where Black is the Colour. Contemporary Monochromatic Art. NICE Magazine. The Monochrome Issue 12, 11 December 2013, pp 16-17. Available on issuu.
Schmahmann, B. (2012) Developing Images of Self Childhood, Youth and Family Photographs in Works by Three South African Women Artists. African Arts, 45:4, pp. 8-21
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Becker, C. (2009) Reviewed Work(s): Black Womanhood: Images, Icons, and Ideologies of the African Body. African Arts, 42:3, pp. 82-84
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Kerkham, R. (2007) Fresh Artist’s Residency Program (review). Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, 21, pp. 122-123
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D’Amato, M, (2000) Reviewed Work(s): Translation/Seduction/Displacement. African Arts, 33:3, pp. 84-86
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